Elizabeth Cline’s Overdressed has taught us some hard lessons about our fast fashion habits: Namely that buying super cheap clothes–and lots of them–is having a negative effect on our planet, our culture, and our general well-being. But it’s also having a negative impact on our wardrobe.
“The thing about cheap fashion is that you often wind up with a closet full of deals rather than a closet full of clothing you’ll actually wear,” Cline told me. Most of us who shop fast fashion can probably relate. Somehow, that H&M blouse that was so irresistible in-store, just doesn’t hold up when you pull it out of the depths of your closet two years later.
But while Cline makes a convincing argument for not shopping at cheap-chic stores, it’s hard to know what other options you have if, like us, you love fashion but don’t exactly have a thousand-dollar budget. Fortunately, Cline has some helpful advice on that matter.
“Overdressed is about reigning in out-of-control consumption,” Cline said. “It’s not trying to make people feel bad for buying clothes that they can afford.” In other words, the book is really about finding solutions to our shopping addictions. “And luckily,” Cline said. “There’s not just one solution.”
Read on for Cline’s top tips on how you can stem your clothing consumption and still build the wardrobe of your dreams.
I know you want more...http://fashionista.com/2012/07/overdresseds-author-gives-us-8-tips-on-how-to-avoid-the-fast-fashion-frenzy-and-still-not-spend-a-ton-on-clothes/